We are the Southern African Distributor for the

Gardner Denver ranges of road transportation products

It requires great skill to balance momentum and safety. Moving ahead at any cost could cost you, as could standing still. The wheels of the economy keep turning no matter what and finding that sweet spot between keeping up with progress while mitigating risk is the secret to success. Who do you have to back you up when you have to go with the flow without taking unnecessary risks?

Majority of our equipment is used by the Bulk Road Transport Industry and OnSite OffLoading Facilities of:

Dry Bulk Road Tankers – Cementitious, Food and Related Powder and Granular Products Liquid Bulk Road Tankers – Fuels, Gasses, Milk, Glucose, Food Grade Products and Chemicals Walking Floor Systems Tipper Hydraulic Systems

+27 (0)11 872 2567/8/9
+27 82 803 2862
sales@flowsafe.co.za admin@flowsafe.co.za
+27 66 477 7241

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26°25’13.8″S 28°04’01.9″E